Microsoft Dynamics 365 Process Intelligence

Discover, map and analyze process performance in Microsoft Dynamics 365 and related business applications.


About Microsoft Dynamics 365

Microsoft Dynamics 365 merges CRM and ERP capabilities into a comprehensive cloud-based platform, offering modules for sales, service, finance, operations, and commerce. Its unique strength is its seamless integration with other Microsoft products, providing a unified and familiar user experience.

Get process mining for Microsoft Dynamics 365

Many have tried and failed to get traditional process mining tools to work with their core business applications. Workfellow is a next-generation process intelligence solution that uses generative AI technology to visualize and analyze both tasks and processes. Get the best of both task and process intelligence to map processes within Microsoft Dynamics 365.

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With Workfellow, you can get more out of Microsoft Dynamics 365

Analyze Microsoft Dynamics 365 processes effortlessly

Analyzing processes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 is critical to understand how to integrate various business functions effectively and leverage the analytics and AI capabilities it offers. An in-depth analysis can help in fine-tuning the system to align better with organizational goals and strategies, enhancing operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.
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Optimize business processes in Microsoft Dynamics 365

Automating processes in Microsoft Dynamics 365 facilitates quicker data processing and better insight generation. It helps in eliminating manual errors and reducing administrative workload, allowing businesses to focus on strategic initiatives and innovation, thereby fostering growth and customer satisfaction.
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Accelerate Microsoft Dynamics 365 process automation

Optimizing business processes within Microsoft Dynamics 365 can lead to streamlined operations and better resource management. It facilitates a unified view of business data, enhancing collaboration and decision-making. Moreover, it helps in automating repetitive tasks, allowing employees to focus on more strategic, high-value activities.
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