Odoo Process Intelligence

Discover, map and analyze process performance in Odoo and related business applications.


About Odoo

Odoo is an open-source business software suite that includes a range of applications and modules for CRM, eCommerce, accounting, inventory, and more. Its unique selling point is its modular structure, allowing businesses to choose and customize the solutions they need, offering flexibility and scalability.

Get process mining for Odoo

Many have tried and failed to get traditional process mining tools to work with their core business applications. Workfellow is a next-generation process intelligence solution that uses generative AI technology to visualize and analyze both tasks and processes. Get the best of both task and process intelligence to map processes within Odoo.

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With Workfellow, you can get more out of Odoo

Analyze Odoo processes effortlessly

Analyzing Odoo's software processes can provide businesses with an understanding of how to best utilize its modular structure to improve operations. By examining how different modules interact and can be customized, businesses can tailor the software to meet their specific needs, improving efficiency and agility.
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Optimize business processes in Odoo

Automating processes in Odoo allows businesses to reduce manual efforts and minimize errors, especially in repetitive tasks. Automation can help in achieving faster responses, real-time data analysis, and can facilitate better decision-making processes, fostering overall business growth.
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Accelerate Odoo process automation

Optimizing business processes in Odoo can help streamline various functions including CRM, sales, inventory management, and more. It can aid in eliminating bottlenecks and improving workflow efficiencies, leading to better customer satisfaction and potentially increased profits.
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